Disorders of sex development (DSD): Clinical service delivery in the United States / What is the American Academy of Pediatrics’ stance on the treatment of DSD?

The American Academy of Pediatrics has endorsed the 2006 “Chicago Consensus” of the Pediatric Endocrine Society and the European Society for Pediatric Endocrinology. You can read that statement by clicking here. The Chicago Consensus is helpfully summarized as follows in an article by Pasterski, Prentice, and Hughes, entitled “Consequences of the Chicago Consensus on Disorders of Sex Development (DSD): Current Practices in Europe” (Pasterski, Prentice, and Hughes):

  • “Nomenclature should be revised to reflect careful consideration of the concerns of patients.
  • Management must be carried out by an experienced interdisciplinary team, including mental health staff with expertise in DSD.
  • All individuals should receive a sex assignment, but only after expert evaluation.
  • Only surgeons with specific training/expertise should undertake surgical procedures.
  • Feminising surgery should only be considered in cases of severe virilisation.
  • Emphasis of surgical intervention in all cases should be on functional outcome rather than strictly on cosmetic appearance.
  • Open communication with patients/families is essential and participation in decision making is encouraged.”

The full “Chicago consensus” is available by clicking here.

Posted in: Medical Care

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